Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Plan

What I plan to do on the day a present is a will show you a PowerPoint on the basics of hunting like how its done and what you need. Also I will have a hand out comprised of pictures, hunting information, and handy tips to better your hunting experience. I will bring in my 18 foot enclosed H&H trailer with all of my decoys and demonstrate how to set up a spread of decoys in both a field and water in different variations of weather and time of year and what you are hunting for. I will walk through the trailer and explain what the hangers are for and the shelves and how to make as much space as possible with as many decoys as possible to still have plenty of room to fit a quad and any other things you may want in there. I will demonstrate how to lay in a blind and shoot out of it comfortably and accurately. I plan to make sure everybody that everyone in the class can walk away and at least have an understanding of how it works and how much fun it can be for all ages. That’s the plan!

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